
@ayjay I need to take a leaf out of your book and get started. Right now I own nothing but a list of music that won’t play without a valid credit card.

@ayjay is it time to buy everything on Bandcamp, get a digital audio player, and be done with streaming? I found myself wondering whether to buy a digital audio player yesterday - largely to get off my phone - but this is a whole new angle.

@ayjay I found this both an interesting and thoroughly heartening read. Verworn’s distinction between classical and romantic science brings to mind the (poorly understood and therefore much maligned) scientific writings of Goethe and their relationship to the work of Newton: what is it that a science without qualities misses? Perhaps - in our excitement for AI diagnosis and the rest - a great deal more than we are ready to admit...

@ayjay Read the first in the series recently (for the first time) and was blown away. Brings to mind Auden: "There are good books which are only for adults, because their comprehension presupposes adult experiences, but there are no good books which are only for children."